Sunday, 23 December 2012

Love, Love, Love !!!

A few thoughts on reading 'Jaya' a retelling of Mahabharata.

Real Victory is Inner victory. That is the only real liberation. It happens only when the ego completely perishes. So it is not enough to just commit good actions and expect to be liberated on the basis of good karma. As long as we can't overcome our baser animal tendencies of greed, rage, gluttony, lust, fear etc no matter how much goodness we achieve true liberation cannot be attained.
Suppose we conduct a yagna just to appease some temple authorities then what is the merit gained out of that act? We might give away all our wealth in charity but if it is with the underlying desire for fame then where is the merit? The most important goal is to overcome our attachment to the world, out of which spring all ego-centric desires.

When people renounce the world and go into the mountains, it is not to seek a God who is waiting to be discovered there; but to rid themselves of bondage and attachment. Attachment is the root of all sorrow. But detachment is not an easy virtue to inculcate, so what can be the solution? How can we strive to practice detachment while still living in society? Where can we start?

What if we were to replace Attachment with Love? Then the next question that arises is how do we go about differentiating between the two?

The answer lies in simple comparisons.

Attachment will ask and need constant validation.
Love will happen on its own accord.
Attachment will make us needy, love will make us generous.
Attachment will make us insecure, love will provide security.
In Attachment there will always be 'U & I' whereas in love it will always be 'We' & 'Us'.
In one there will be bondage in the other there will be freedom.

So when we learn to 'Love' we only take ourselves closer to our inner victory - the goal of all our 'Seeking'.

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